Friday, March 30, 2012

Plastic Waste

On March 2, 2012, Austin passed a ban on plastic bags at retail stores.  This law will go into effect in March of 2013 and will prohibit all retail stores from using disposable paper and plastic bags.  Mayor Lee Leffingwell has done a fantastic job pushing this ban onto the city of Austin.   Personally, I feel this is an incredibly, brilliant idea, and I cannot understand how people can be upset with this ban.  The only people I can see having the right to feel perturbed are the owners of the plastic bag companies, as they will lose a lot of money.  Although, it is common knowledge that time changes everything, and those not willing to change with it will get stuck in the past.

All over Austin, we see plastic bags on the side of the road, in lakes, in parking lots, etc.  This is an unnecessary litter we no longer need to spend time or money on cleaning up.  Reusable bags, which will replace plastic bags, are inexpensive and easy to carry with you.  If a shopper forgets to bring a reusable bag with them, most stores already have some available for purchase.  For example, Natural Grocers does not use plastic bags, and if you forget your reusable bag they will supply you with a box to put your groceries in.  After you have unloaded your box of groceries at home, you can either recycle it or reuse it for some other purpose.

Some people say this ban is extreme, and they argue that they reuse the plastic bags for such things as trash bag liners or picking up pet waste at the park.  I feel this argument does not make up for the 263 million plastic bags Austinites send to the landfill every year.

In 2008, six major retailers tried to keep this ban from coming to light by taking it upon themselves to lessen the use of plastic bags in their stores.  However, this did not work as there was not a significant difference seen in the use of plastic bags compared to the effort put forth.  Furthermore, recycling companies cannot take the plastic bags, as they damage their machinery.

Austinites, and hopefully all Americans in the near future, will come to realize what a difference this law will make for our environment.  Embrace this change and enjoy cleaner streets.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Women's Health Care

   On March 7, 2012, Charles Kuffner wrote an article within his blog, Off the Kuff, about Texans going on the offensive for women's health care.  Kuffner wrote this article for his fellow democrats asking them to help motivate people to vote in favor of keeping Planned Parenthood in the Woman's Health Program (WHP).  According to recent poll data, fifty-nine percent of Texans believe that Planned Parenthood should stay in the WHP.  If this is what the people want, why is Texas Governor Rick Perry and his fellow Republicans trying to get rid of it?
   In 2011, the Republican legislators consistently blocked and ignored numerous bills which would have kept the WHP from expiring on December 31, 2011.  "The program was only allowed to continue into 2012 based on a determination that its inclusion in the state budget constituted legislative direction to renew the program beyond 2011."  

   Planned Parenthood is where most low-income women go for health care.  Without the allotment of these funds for WHP, it would be harder for these women to receive contraceptives, cancer screenings, and other services that they need but can not afford.  The Women's Health Program received $111 million in 2010-2011, but these funds have been reduced to $37 million for 2012-2013 due to many legislative amendments cutting these funds.  Although Republicans argue this reduction of funds is necessary for our budget, the Legislative Budget Board projects this will result in 20,000 unplanned births and "an additional $98 million in state general revenue expenditures during the current biennium."  
   In his article, Kuffner quotes Republican Rep. Randy Weber arguing that the use of contraceptives actually increases the need for abortions.  Logistically, this does not make any sense, but the author also linked information to a study showing the opposite is true, Houston Chronicle.
   I agree with Charles Kuffner and all the credible information he includes.  I believe the Republican party is basing their actions on lies, and we need to share this information with more people.  Women should no longer be fighting for these rights, and we need to set things right.