Friday, May 11, 2012

It Should Be Their Choice

On March 6, 2012, Christina Valdez wrote about the new law in Texas requiring women to get sonograms twenty-four hours before their abortion.  According to the article, "Why Not Give it a Second Look", Christina feels that pregnant women are being selfish in not wanting to take the extra time to look at the fetus they are about to terminate.  As much I respect where she is coming from, I am going to have to disagree with her on this matter.

Like Steve Jobs, I am the product of an unwanted pregnancy and was also adopted by two loving parents.  You would think I'd be behind this law in full force and agreeing with Valdez, but it just isn't the case.  My birth-mother and other women who get pregnant, not wanting the child, know whether or not they want to carry the baby full-term and put it on adoption or if they want an abortion.

Amy Hagstrom Miller, founder of Whole Woman's Health, said, "We've had a lot of frustration, a lot of, 'Why do I have to do this?  I know what I want to do."  I agree with this and feel it is demeaning to women to force them to go in and look at the fetus they are knowingly going to terminate.  

Don't misunderstand me; I would never get an abortion.  I have always believed that everything happens for a reason.  My firstborn son was not only a surprise to my boyfriend and me, but he was a miracle and the best thing that ever happened to me, to us.  However, I believe a woman is competent enough to know what she wants, and I believe it is a woman's right to make the decision.  It is a slippery slope giving the government control on this matter.  In a few years, I feel the government will use this new law as a way to ban abortions all together.  Women have fought too hard for their rights, and this new law will become a setback for us.